Yolo County Fire Safe Council

To become a member of the Yolo County Fire Safe Council, print this member application. Submit the completed form to Tanya Meyer at meyer@yolorcd.org.


Good Afternoon YCFSC Stakeholders,

We had a good meeting yesterday (September 28th) and are grateful to Chief Rebecca Ramirez for serving as YCFSC Chair this past year, and who was re-elected yesterday for a second year. A warm welcome to Jonathan Flora from Capay Valley, who will be serving as our new Vice Chair. These positions are for one year.

Below is some information to note, along with a long list of useful links and contacts that were posted in the chat yesterday.

Please note that our October meeting will be held as usual on the 4th Wednesday (10/26) but our November meeting will be the 3rd Wednesday of that month: 11/16.

Great news regarding AB 1717: Yesterday, the Governor vetoed this bill which would have changed the definition of services requiring prevailing wage under “public works,” to include fuel reduction work paid for in whole or in part by public funds performed as part of a fire mitigation project. Many different groups communicated to Sacramento how grievously this could impact our community fuel reduction efforts.

Link to the recording of yesterday’s meeting: https://youtu.be/-Gl2op0GTcE

Fire Resiliency Grant updates—Google Drive link:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1703hLTuBDRpsOKpUt6U2JHxN72lvWSE7/edit#gid=1796765611

Request for Qualifications for fire-related services: https://yolorcd.org/yolo-and-solano-county-fire-safe-councils-seek-licensed-contractors-for-resident-resources-list/

Solano RCD LNU area survey: www.tinyurl.com/SRCD-LNU

Solano FSC meeting signup: https://tinyurl.com/sfsc-signup

Yolo Co RCD hub site for project forms and maps: https://yolo-wildfire-1-ycrcd3.hub.arcgis.com/

Kate Reza, YCRCD grant master: reza@yolorcd.org
Don Palm, American Red Cross: Don.Palm@redcross.org

Thank you,
Tanya Meyer, Senior Program Manager
Yolo County Resource Conservation District
221 West Court Street, Suite 1
Woodland, CA 95695
(530) 661-1688 ext. 20 office
(530) 908-0236 cell